Pheromones For MAn who love men
Thanks to Single Pheromones, you can create a mix that will be perfect for seducing other men!
Pheromones released from your skin reach the noses of the men around you, stimulating specific areas in their brains. You send signals of interest and excite them with your scent. Men who inhale this fragrance (melding with the natural scent of your body) gradually become more intrigued by you. They don't know why, but you start to captivate them more and more. With increasing curiosity, they approach you. They want to be near you. And over time, they can't stop thinking about you.
One drop of Raw Androstenol for greater self-confidence, one drop of Raw Androstenone to build greater masculinity and two drops of Raw Androstadienone for boost sexual aura.
It is a unique mixture of carefully selected pheromone substances to maximize your influence on other men - of both homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual orientation.
Scientific Studies:
Many scientific studies have been conducted on the effects of pheromones on humans. There have also been several groundbreaking publications showing how pheromones affect homosexual men. The most important of them showed that the brain of a homosexual man reacts differently to smell than the brain of a heterosexual man:
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